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Angels - an introduction part 2

Alana Smith • Jun 06, 2020

The hierarchy of angels and an introduction to Guardian Angels

The 9 Orders of Angels

If you put ‘levels of angels’ in to the google search it will provide you with a list of the 9 orders of Angels. These are also set out by Diana Cooper in ‘A little light on Angels’ and are detailed as follows, in descending order:

1. Seraphim – described as there to praise and worship God

2.Cherubim – described as surrounding God

3.Thrones – described as charioteers around God

4.Dominions – nations

5.Virtues – miracles

6.Powers – monitor the celestial border between Heaven and Earth

7.Principalities – Guardians over nations and leaders of our world

8.Archangels – most commonly know includes Archangels Michael (in Christianity is ranked highest as the leader of the heavenly host), Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Chamuel. Archangel Metatron is placed highest of the Archangels positioned on the Mystical Qabalah, the Tree of Life, in books I have come across, including those by both Christine Core and Dion Fortune (although in others it is Sandalphon!).

9.Guardian Angels – ministering angels that interact most with us in the course of our daily lives.

Guardian Angels

My own experiences with angels are fundamentally with the 8th and 9th orders, Guardian Angels and Archangels, so the rest of this introduction focuses on these wonderful celestial beings. Guardian Angels are the order described by numerous authors and spiritual teachers are being those closest to us in our everyday lives, so I am going to start with them.

If you look up ‘Guardian Angels’ on Wikipedia it gives the following initial definition:

A guardian angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person , group, kingdom, or country. Belief in guardian angels can be traced throughout all antiquity.

The concept of angels that guard over particular people and nationalities played a common role in Ancient Judaism , while a theory of tutelary angels and their hierarchy was extensively developed in Christianity in the 5th century by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.

The theology of angels and tutelary spirits has undergone many refinements since the 5th century. Belief in both the East and the West is that guardian angels serve to protect whichever person God assigns them to, [1] and present prayer to God on that person's behalf.

There is a lot more that can be read about the historical religious references to Guardian Angels as indicated by the following list of contents:


· 1In the books of the Hebrew Bible and Old Testament

· 2In Judaic rabbinic literature through modern Judaism

o 2.1Rabbinic literature

o 2.2Late and modern Judaism

· 3New Testament

· 4Christianity

o 4.1Perspectives

§ 4.1.1Catholic Church

§ as guardians

§ and their angels

§ 4.1.2Anglican Communion

§ 4.1.3Eastern Orthodox Church

§ 4.1.4Lutheran Church

§ 4.1.5Methodist Church

§ 4.1.6Reformed and Presbyterian Churches

· 5Islam

· 6Zoroastrianism

· 7Literary usage

· 8In popular culture

· 9See also

· 10References

· 11External links

Guardian Angels as constant companions throughout our lives

Guardian Angels are identified as having a number of roles in support of us. Of these, many of the books and articles I have read describe Guardian Angels as Celestial Beings who are allocated to us individually and who are by our side throughout our lives on Earth, from birth to death. They are described as wanting to help us to achieve our highest potential and also as not judging or wavering from our side – even if we do not hear their guidance and allow ourselves to be diverted by lower energies, such as greed or jealousy.

As someone who regularly has very positive and helpful ideas, suggestions and solutions arrive in my mind out of the blue, I am very open to having received and heard guidance from my Guardian Angel.

What is truly wonderful, and has been a great support to me, is the feeling that you are not alone, particularly when times are difficult.

I am someone who is uncomfortable with conflict and aggression. I am not sure how I ended up working in Human Resources for 20 years, where you are often supporting colleagues through upsetting processes which inevitably bring out anger and insecurity. I am glad I did though - it taught me to always remember that we are all people, that deserve to be treated with respect and empathy. Being able to ask my Guardian Angel for guidance and also to speak with the Guardian Angel of the other person/people involved to share positive intent helped me have the courage to face and work through difficult situations with positivity and kindness.

I opened my mind and heart to the existence of my Guardian Angel at a time of great personal distress. I channelled my unhappiness into prayer, asking for help for myself in the first instance and then gradually extending this to others. The more I considered others, the stronger I felt. My own situation was still distressing but people came into my life and supported me – most of these people were in my life already but not in such a major way – just what I needed, when I needed it. I am sure that my prayers were heard and answered.

Guardian Angels helping us to be less judgmental

We live in a world where the media and entertainment industries often try and create black and white characterisations, identifying people as either good or bad, decisive or indecisive, weak or strong. My understanding of Guardian Angels has helped me see more clearly that we are all capable of so much that is good, and are all facing choices and challenges which we may or may not choose to complete in the most positive way. It has helped me keep in my mind that a person is a person, with feelings, insecurities and worries, whatever process I am having to support them through, for whatever reasons.

The fact is that we are all human. We can all be swayed by our lower energies one day and make decisions supportive of others and our spiritual development the next. This can be especially volatile when we are tired or stressed or emotional. Negative choices may directly impact us, such as when we eat or drink unhealthily, or spill out onto others, where we release our upset in unkind words or actions towards them. These actions are not entire. They do not define us and should not label us as good, bad or indifferent for ever and a day. Our Angels do not judge us by them and I am trying hard not to judge either. This is ever more important, I believe, in a world where social media can capture a snap shot of our behaviour and label us with it for millions to see. Fake news is not just about twisted or fabricated political stories. How we are being presented to each other, and the world, is often narrow, boxed and can be hugely damaging.

Our Angels are with us, love us just the same, if we make choices that are for our best future or not, our best development or not. They are showing us a true and wonderful way to consider each other.

Guardian Angels as Protectors

There are lots of writings, including a section on Wikipedia, referring to our Guardian Angels as our protectors. This can be traced back through time, including to the ancient Mesopotamians, who looked to guardian spirits called ‘the shedu and the lamassu’ to help protect them from evil.

This is most often in respect of children, and is something specifically referred to in the Bible, Matthew 18:10. The most common image of a Guardian Angel is that of a beautiful angel standing next to a group of children, her arms open, her face looking upon them.

There have been times when I have read or seen things that really upset me, especially where children are being hurt or abused, and I feel helpless to help. One such report was on young girls being married for a day so that they could be sexually abused, arranged with approval by religious leaders and with indication that it is up to them if they hurt the girl as she will be their wife for this time. Having two daughters of my own, my stomach churns when I think of the report. I have asked the angels to protect them, to wrap their wings around them and to somehow let them know that they are not abandoned or alone. It does not feel like anywhere near enough and even as I write this I know I can do more to expose this horror and to support the work undertaken by the undercover team who revealed this abuse. I hope that my prayers can provide the angels with a bridge of light that allows more and more angels to reach and help these children.

I feel in my heart that I am not alone, and believe that my angel is with me, trying to guide me (when I allow myself to listen) and loving me without judging. It is reassuring to think that my children have their angel with them too and we are none of us alone, even when the world leaves us desolate.

By Alana Smith 16 Apr, 2021
Hope is the beacon that shines in the darkness to draw us forward out of the darkness. I truly have hope and allow myself the belief that we really are coming out of the covid darkness and the light and joy of things we do together is really going to happen this year. How incredible that this is something to treasure - I know I took it for granted up to the first lockdown, just over a year ago. May our angels wrap their wings around us - and send extra angels to all those who have lost loved ones during this unprecedented time. At least we were able to all be with my Dad when he battled cancer,. So, we have our first confirmed booking for our stall, at the RHS Rosemoor fayre in November here in Torridge, Devon. I have taken the chance of spending some money on new stock, and on materials to make some new lines ourselves too. I hope and pray we get to share them with you in person, as well as online, this year. I hope we all get to share our positive energy with each other too, bringing light and love where it is needed, reducing the density of negative energy which can bring us down so much. I look at this photo and it brings a smile to my face and warms my heart. We had such fun that day. We felt and we shared joy and laughter. Braunton may have wished we did not sing quite so loud though! Lots of love, Alana at Celestial Heart
By Alana Smith 25 Oct, 2020
I love Christmas. It does not matter what is or has been going on in my life, putting up my tree, sitting with all the twinkling lights on and finding little gifts that make people smile or even cry always cheers me up and puts something warm back in my heart. This year is going to be extra challenging, and not just financially for so many of us. Up to now, I am not sure that we will be taking our stall to any Christmas markets this year. We are waiting to hear from the last organiser about Braunton and Bideford. I would rather be safe, but having also those lovely local traders and crafters on hand has always been a great source of those little gifts for me and I like supporting the smaller businesses. So I am thinking about less money and more time and effort for this year. Personalised angels and food is my recipe for a bit of extra magic! I have been painting little wooden angels white this weekend, and I am thinking that I can paint a name or a meaningful word on the back, make them special to the person I am giving them to . They fit nicely over the neck of a bottle too. I have really struggled to find angel statues that I like that are not hugely overpriced, so I am going to order some clay and have a go at making my own. I also have found some lovely recipes for candied nuts and for cakes and sweets, which I can wrap and finish with a little angel or tree of life. All this seems so small when the real challenge is going to be if we cannot see our family or even worse if any of us are ill. I cannot imagine how it must feel to not be able to visit loved ones in hospital, or to be totally alone in such scary circumstances. I ask Archangel Michael to protect us all and to give us the strength and courage to face the challenges sent our way this Christmas. I also ask Archangel Raphael to heal those unwell, and to let them feel his comforting and healing presence. with lots of love and pure white light,
By Alana Smith 05 Aug, 2020
Sharing learning about why we need to ask our angels for help and the Law of Non Interference.
By Alana Smith 23 May, 2020
Opening to Alana's introduction to angels, and an overarching definition.
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How the angels help me when I am feeling alone and rubbish.x
By Alana Smith 03 Jun, 2019
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