Blog Post

Angels - an introduction

Alana Smith • May 23, 2020

Opening and Definition

An Introduction to Angels by Alana Marie Smith

I have been receiving encouragement for a while to put together information that helps others to understand a bit more about angels. Hopefully this will help those of you who want to an introduction to angels. It would have been the foundation of my workshops this summer, but as they are all cancelled due to COVID19 I am hoping a couple of blogs will be useful instead.

This help may be for those of you who want information because you are feeling alone and/or are in need of support for one or a multitude of reasons. It may be that you want to learn more and want to develop spiritually with angelic guidance. It may be that you are just drawn to angels at this time. I hope that this introduction will give you enough information to help you take the first steps on your angelic journey.

My own journey began at a time of immense distress in my life. After 18 years of marriage and 22 years together, my relationship had broken down and ended in divorce. I needed strength and courage and was unconsciously looking for support. I found myself drawn to cards and books I had never looked at or even noticed before, and having a very strong impulse to buy and read them.

I soon found that there are a lot of books and articles out in the world on the subject of angels. I found that the information given in Diana Cooper’s ‘A little light on angels’ and also the messages in Doreen Virtue’s ‘Messages from my Angels’ cards felt right for me as an introduction. I hope that the information I have pulled together is a good starting point for you, and that from this you are able to find further reading that feels right for you.

Open your heart and mind and trust your intuition.

It can feel as though a lot of the information available about angels contradicts each other or is overwhelming in volume or language. I have come to realise that this is OK. Some information pushes me away from it – I am not ready for it or it is not what I need to focus on at this time. Some is written from a very personal connection and the journey of the author and what they feel and need to receive distinctly colours what is presented. I have found others are connecting in different ways and their messages are influenced by the energy, source and media that they are connecting through. I have come to accept these variances rather than be confused by them. I have also come to realise that I gain more when I trust my own feelings, visions and messages and accept them as right for me – even if they differ from some of what I have read.

What are angels?

Logic tells me to start with a definition. As I am currently in quarantine and away from my books, I have leaned on the internet for help and google gives the definition of an angel as:

‘as spiritual being believed to act as an attendant, agent or messenger of God, conventionally represented in human form with wings and a long robe.’ It says they are also often described as a ‘celestial’ or ‘heavenly’ beings.

We can easily give evidence of well known examples of angels that fit this definition, not least Archangel Gabriel in the Nativity. There are lots of depictions of Archangel Gabriel appearing to Mary and then flying above the shepherds, robe flapping and wings outstretched that perfectly capture this definition.

Angels and similar representations have been around a lot longer than this though, and have a place in many religions, mythology and cultures across the ages and the world.

  • In her book ‘Angelic Reiki’ Christine Gore sets out a history of angels which captures this. She refers to ancient Egyptian use of imagery of wings attached to human form, and also the importance of the feather as a symbol to them.
  • Greek and Roman mythology also reference winged messengers Hermes and Mercury.
  • The Islamic religion also includes a belief in angels. Wikipedia references that this includes that ‘they are created from light’ and are described as tall and beautiful.

You only have to put ‘angel’ into the search line for GIFs or angel images in google to find lots and lots of illustrations of angels that capture these overarching definitions. There is something very beautiful and serene about so many of the images, I am sure many of them have divine inspiration at their core.

They help me to feel the clear and positive energy I associate with angels, but I have an open mind as to what they actually look like. Every time I sit and calmly ask for help, talk through my worries and say thank you for my blessings I feel the same wave of peace. This is what angels are for me, this and a calm, quiet voice that places wise and kind suggestions and solutions into my mind and heart.

Hope this is a helpful start. In my next blog I set out the 9 orders of Angels and share information about the 9th Order, Guardian Angels.x

By Alana Smith 16 Apr, 2021
Hope is the beacon that shines in the darkness to draw us forward out of the darkness. I truly have hope and allow myself the belief that we really are coming out of the covid darkness and the light and joy of things we do together is really going to happen this year. How incredible that this is something to treasure - I know I took it for granted up to the first lockdown, just over a year ago. May our angels wrap their wings around us - and send extra angels to all those who have lost loved ones during this unprecedented time. At least we were able to all be with my Dad when he battled cancer,. So, we have our first confirmed booking for our stall, at the RHS Rosemoor fayre in November here in Torridge, Devon. I have taken the chance of spending some money on new stock, and on materials to make some new lines ourselves too. I hope and pray we get to share them with you in person, as well as online, this year. I hope we all get to share our positive energy with each other too, bringing light and love where it is needed, reducing the density of negative energy which can bring us down so much. I look at this photo and it brings a smile to my face and warms my heart. We had such fun that day. We felt and we shared joy and laughter. Braunton may have wished we did not sing quite so loud though! Lots of love, Alana at Celestial Heart
By Alana Smith 25 Oct, 2020
I love Christmas. It does not matter what is or has been going on in my life, putting up my tree, sitting with all the twinkling lights on and finding little gifts that make people smile or even cry always cheers me up and puts something warm back in my heart. This year is going to be extra challenging, and not just financially for so many of us. Up to now, I am not sure that we will be taking our stall to any Christmas markets this year. We are waiting to hear from the last organiser about Braunton and Bideford. I would rather be safe, but having also those lovely local traders and crafters on hand has always been a great source of those little gifts for me and I like supporting the smaller businesses. So I am thinking about less money and more time and effort for this year. Personalised angels and food is my recipe for a bit of extra magic! I have been painting little wooden angels white this weekend, and I am thinking that I can paint a name or a meaningful word on the back, make them special to the person I am giving them to . They fit nicely over the neck of a bottle too. I have really struggled to find angel statues that I like that are not hugely overpriced, so I am going to order some clay and have a go at making my own. I also have found some lovely recipes for candied nuts and for cakes and sweets, which I can wrap and finish with a little angel or tree of life. All this seems so small when the real challenge is going to be if we cannot see our family or even worse if any of us are ill. I cannot imagine how it must feel to not be able to visit loved ones in hospital, or to be totally alone in such scary circumstances. I ask Archangel Michael to protect us all and to give us the strength and courage to face the challenges sent our way this Christmas. I also ask Archangel Raphael to heal those unwell, and to let them feel his comforting and healing presence. with lots of love and pure white light,
By Alana Smith 05 Aug, 2020
Sharing learning about why we need to ask our angels for help and the Law of Non Interference.
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How the angels help me when I am feeling alone and rubbish.x
By Alana Smith 03 Jun, 2019
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